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BIG data, urban design, architecture
Patterns otherwise invisible are made possible by ultra wide angle cameras. It's even more impressive when one watches the video (this...

surfing with Alessandro Baricco: an essay on the mutation of culture
Very strange... seeing a new book by Alessandro Baricco, The Barbarians: An Essay on the Mutation of Culture at the checkout counter at...

living design history
A client asked us why we would propose to keep a mediocre old building on a new project. After all, we are proposing a much larger...

forums of civic engagement
It was a surprise to see Frank so honest. The pictured gesture is the logical representation of Frank and his clients towards 98% of...

kinds of architecture and the public
Broad and general words, in this case ‘architecture,’ can provoke many opinions and incite emotional retorts by practitioners and...
blogging ideas along the way
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